Research: New material reversibly changes its structure in response to different wavelengths of light...

MIT researchers have designed a polymer material that can change its structure in response to light, converting from a rigid substance to a...

Research: Atlantic circulation is not collapsing — but as it shifts gears, warming will...

A huge circulation pattern in the Atlantic Ocean took a starring role in the 2004 movie "The Day After Tomorrow." In that fictional...

Research: Results may help identify ancient climates on Earth or other planets —

There are more than 1 million river basins carved into the topography of the United States, each collecting rainwater to feed the rivers...

Research: Could preventing autism be as simple as changing expectant mothers’ diet? —

The risk of developing autism-spectrum disorders is determined by the mother's microbiome -- the collection of microorganisms that naturally live inside us --...

Research: Final data from the mission lends support to the standard cosmological model —

In 2013, ESA's Planck mission unveiled a new image of the cosmos: an all-sky survey of the microwave radiation produced at the beginning...

Research: Jumping genes in symbionts explain how a beetle and a marine tunicate are...

Like all other living organisms, animals face the challenge of fending off enemies. Using chemical weaponry can be an effective strategy to stay...

Research: Mugwort pollen as main source of airborne endotoxins —

A wide range of airborne substances can cause respiratory problems for asthma sufferers. These include bacteria and their components, which can trigger inflammations....

Research: A medieval maritime crossroads in Greece —

Medieval ceramic article from Chalcis typical of...

Research: New study reveals world’s largest fish is larger and lives longer than previously...

Already the world's largest shark species, male whale sharks can swim around the ocean for up to 130 years, according to a recently...

Research: RSTAR can navigate large obstacles and carry payloads necessary for search and rescue...

A new highly maneuverable search and rescue robot that can creep, crawl and climb over rough terrain and through tight spaces has been...

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