Research: Astronomers find a famous exoplanet’s doppelganger —

When it comes to extrasolar planets, appearances can be deceiving. Astronomers have imaged a new planet, and it appears nearly identical to one...

Research: Animals that break away from the pack can influence evolution —

For some animals -- such as beetles, ants, toads, and primates -- short-term social isolation can be just as vital as social interaction...

Research: The ancient armor of fish — scales — provide clues to hair, feather...

When sea creatures first began crawling and slithering onto land about 385 million years ago, they carried with them their body armor: scales....

Research: The freediving champions of the dolphin world —

For the first time, researchers have explored the physiological adaptations that enable different populations of the same species of dolphin to vary in...

Research: Impact of temperature on mitochondrial DNA evolution —

In multicellular organisms, including humans, most DNA is coiled up within the cell's nucleus. A small part, however, is tucked away within the...

Research: The gene has unexpected links to vision defects in humans —

In a new study, a team led by University of Utah biologists has discovered that different versions of a single gene, called NDP...

Research: This brings Jupiter’s total number of known moons to a whopping 79 —...

Twelve new moons orbiting Jupiter have been found -- 11 "normal" outer moons, and one that they're calling an "oddball." This brings Jupiter's...

Research: The origins of pottery linked with intensified fishing in the post-glacial period —

A study into some of the earliest known pottery remains has suggested that the rise of ceramic production was closely linked with intensified...

Research: Forget joysticks, use your torso to pilot drones —

Imagine piloting a drone using the movements of your torso only and leaving your head free to look around, much like a bird....

Research: Archaeologists discover bread that predates agriculture by 4,000 years —

At an archaeological site in northeastern Jordan, researchers have discovered the charred remains of a flatbread baked by hunter-gatherers 14,400 years ago. It...

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