Taylor Hamlin crowned 2018 Sea Goddess

Taylor Hamlin crowned 2018 Sea Goddess
Taylor Hamlin crowned 2018 Sea Goddess

Taylor Hamlin was crowned Maine Sea Goddess Aug. 1 in ceremonies at the 71st Maine Lobster Festival at Harbor Park.

A 2018 graduate of Oceanside High School in Rockland, Hamlin is the daughter of David and Cindi Hamlin of South Thomaston. She plans to attend the University of Maine at Orono, then fashion school, and eventually wants to open her own design store.

Erin Dugan was named Crown Princess, and was crowned by Capt. Jake Douglas of the USS Hue City. She is the daughter of Michelle Gamache of Thomaston, and plans to attend the University of Southern Maine to major in business management. She is a 2018 graduate of Oceanside High School.

Lauren Miller, daughter of David and Christine Miller of St. Geroge, was named Miss Congeniality, a title voted on by her fellow contestants. She is a 2018 graduate of Camden Hills Regional High School, and plans to attend the University of Southern Maine to study nursing and play basketball.

A total of 11 Sea Princesses competed this year for the title of Maine Sea Goddess. Bella Knight, daughter of Sy and Alexandra Knight of Owls Head, served as Crown Bearer.

Vocalist Alexandra Desaulniers, accompanied by pianist Myles Kelly, sang the national anthem and “God Bless America,” while Chaplain Tyler Hopkins of the USS Hue City assisted in conducting the memorial service for all men and women lost at sea.

Aaron Glazer from Bugles Across America played “Taps” as King Neptune placed the memorial wreath.

Coronation Committee Chairwoman Sharon Lombardo directed her final coronation proceedings, and announced that Kelly Leidenroth will be taking over next year.

Dan Bookham, of Allen Insurance and Financial, served as emcee, introducing each of the Sea Princesses. Members of the Rockland Coast Guard and the USS Hue City escorted the contestants during the coronation.


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