Tech: KU lands $29.9 million contract to develop, deliver state ed assessments

LAWRENCE -- The Kansas State Department of Education and Achievement & Assessment Institute at the University of Kansas have announced a five-year, $29.9 million...

Tech: Simons honored as leading voice in technology policy arena

IMAGE: ACM, the Association for Computing Machinery, today named Barbara Simons the recipient...

Tech: Graphene crinkles can be used as ‘molecular zippers’ — (Report)

A decade ago, scientists noticed something very strange happening when buckyballs -- soccer ball shaped carbon molecules -- were dumped onto a certain...

Tech: Electrochemical characteristics of lithium-ion batteries’ materials and structures — (Report)

Lithium-ion batteries are expected to have a global market value of $47 billion by 2023. They are used in numerous applications, because they...

Tech: Physicists build devices using mineral perovskite — (Report)

When German mineralogist Gustav Rose stood on the slopes of Russia's Ural Mountains in 1839 and picked up a piece of a previously...

Tech: Researchers print module six times bigger than previous largest — (Report)

A perovskite solar module the size of an A4 sheet of paper, which is nearly six times bigger than 10x10 cm2 modules of...

Tech: Filaments and fibers three times finer than a human hair — (Report)

A group of researchers from the Higher Technical School of Engineering at the University of Seville have obtained filaments and fibres from highly...

Tech: Quasar with the brightest radio emission ever observed in the early universe —...

Carnegie's Eduardo Bañados led a team that found a quasar with the brightest radio emission ever observed in the early universe, due to...

Tech: New mystery discovered regarding active asteroid phaethon — (Report)

Based on a new study of how near-Earth asteroid Phaethon reflects light at different angles, astronomers think that its surface may reflect less...

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