Tech: The results could also indicate whether antibiotics have successfully treated the infection —...

Pneumonia, a respiratory disease that kills about 50,000 people in the United States every year, can be caused by many different microbes, including...

Tech: Texas A&M team’s pic of crack in the act could prevent engineering failures...

In work that could help prevent the failure of everything from bridges to dental implants, a team led by a researcher at Texas...

Tech: Optical training of neural networks could lead to more efficient artificial intelligence —...

Researchers have shown that it is possible to train artificial neural networks directly on an optical chip. The significant breakthrough demonstrates that an...
Vladimir Putin: US Election hacking scandal not in Russia's interests

Vladimir Putin: US Election hacking scandal not in Russia’s interests

Vladimir Putin has featured prominently in the US Election. Accused of being the mastermind behind numerous hacks of the Democratic Party and its organizational...

Tech: Uncovering the mechanisms behind chemical reactions — (Report)

Sometimes, when experimental scientists get their hands on a supercomputer, it can change the course of their careers and open up new questions...

Tech: Building starch backbones for lab-grown meat using Lego pieces — (Report)

A new technique to spin starch fibers using Lego pieces could have future applications for lab-grown "clean" meat, according to a team of...

Tech: With cryo-EM, scientists obtain clearer picture of key machinery that transcribes DNA —...

Pushing the limits of cryo-electron microscopy, University of California, Berkeley, scientists have captured freeze-frames of the changing shape of a huge molecule, one...

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