Study shows We Are Probably the Only Intelligent Life in the Observable Universe

Study shows We Are Probably the Only Intelligent Life in the Observable Universe

Are we alone in the universe? New Drake equation suggests yes. Researchers from the Future of Humanity Institute at Oxford University have revealed that we...
Researchers discover new species of ancient marine lizard

Researchers discover new species of ancient marine lizard

Paleontologists at the University of Alberta have discovered a new species of ocean lizard that lived between 70 and 75 million years ago. The...
Picture: NASA image shows a blue dune on Mars

Picture: NASA image shows a blue dune on Mars

Mars earned its "Red Planet" nickname for good reason, so why does this particular Mars image have the blues? The azure dune seen here...
Reports: Builders of Stonehenge 'were skilled astronomers'

Reports: Builders of Stonehenge ‘were skilled astronomers’

Scientists have claimed that the aliens people who built Stonehenge did so using Pythagoras’ Theorem, a good two millennia before he was born. A new...
Researchers find 121 giant planets that might host habitable moons

Researchers find 121 giant planets that might host habitable moons

Researchers have identified 121 giant planets that potentially host habitable moons. Scientists believe the next generation of telescopes will be able to target alien...

Research: Uncovering lost images from the 19th century —

Art curators will be able to recover images on daguerreotypes, the earliest form of photography that used silver plates, after a team of...

Research: Yellowstone’s ‘landscape of fear’ not so scary after all —

After wolves were reintroduced to Yellowstone National Park in the mid-1990s, some scientists thought the large predator reestablished a 'landscape of fear' that...

Research: Tapeworm increases tendency of fish to ‘take risks’/Evolutionary biologists publish new study —

Parasites which are passed on via the food chain often influence the behaviour of their host to their own benefit. One example of...

Research: Six new species of goblin spiders named after famous goblins and brownies —

Fictional characters originally 'described' by famous English children's writer Enid Blyton have given their names to six new species of minute goblin spiders...

Research: Garden seed diet for threatened turtle doves has negative impact —

Young turtle doves raised on a diet of seeds from non-cultivated arable plants are more likely to survive after fledging than those relying...

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