Why are memories attached to emotions so strong?

In a first, astronomers watch a black hole’s corona disappear, then reappear (Study)

It seems the universe has an odd sense of humor. While a crown-encrusted virus has run roughshod over the world, another entirely different corona...

Research: But the underlying mechanisms are likely to be different in the two groups...

People who abstain from alcohol or consume more than 14 units a week during middle age (midlife) are at increased risk of developing...

Research: Secrets of plant development unlocked —

University of British Columbia researchers have discovered an internal messaging system that plants use to manage the growth and division of their cells....

Research: How forest conservation helps coral reefs —

Researchers from the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa (UH Mānoa), WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society), and other groups are discovering how forest conservation in...

Research: Persistence of glass sponge in face of climatic variability —

The glass sponge has persisted on the Scotian Shelf for decades, despite strong historical variability in water conditions and extremely limited protection by...

Research: These ‘giant monsters’ were observed suddenly devouring gas in their surroundings —

Supermassive black holes weigh millions to billions times more than our sun and lie at the center of most galaxies. A supermassive black...

Research: What changes when the beer ages —

A new study by the Leibniz-Institute for Food Systems Biology at the Technical University of Munich (Leibniz-LSB@TUM) shows that craft beer should be...

Research: Stellar winds, the source material for the universe, are clumpy —

Data recorded by NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory of a neutron star as it passed through a dense patch of stellar wind emanating from...

Research: Modern mahouts taking care of elephants in Myanmar are younger and less experienced...

Asian elephants are endangered, but remarkably, around one third of the remaining 45,000 Asian elephants in the world live in semi-captive conditions, cared...

Research: Dynamic hydrogel used to make ‘soft robot’ components and LEGO-like building blocks —

Using a new type of dual polymer material capable of responding dynamically to its environment, Brown University researchers have developed a set of...

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