Research: New research explains how Earth became a habitable planet —

The Earth is unique in our solar system: It is the only terrestrial planet with a large amount of water and a relatively...

Research: Review of studies suggests a potentially useful link between gut bacteria and mental...

People who experience anxiety symptoms might be helped by taking steps to regulate the microorganisms in their gut using probiotic and non-probiotic food...

Research: The return of the wolves —

The current return of wolves to human-dominated landscapes poses a major challenge for the protection of this species, says conservation biologist and private...

Research: Resilience of Yellowstone’s forests tested by unprecedented fire —

In August 2016, areas of Yellowstone National Park that burned in 1988 burned again. Shortly after, in October 2016, ecologist Monica Turner and...

Research: Mothers’ presence influences the reproductive success of their adult sons —

In many social animal species individuals share child-rearing duties, but new research from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany,...

Research: New method to predict the vulnerability of ecosystems —

Natural ecosystems are as vulnerable as they are diverse. Environmental changes such as climate change, pollution or the spread of alien species can...

Research: Dietary cholesterol or egg consumption do not increase the risk of stroke, Finnish...

A new study from the University of Eastern Finland shows that a moderately high intake of dietary cholesterol or consumption of up to...

Research: Technology could enable new medical, industrial, environmental biosensors —

Rice University synthetic biologists have hacked bacterial sensing with a plug-and-play system that could be used to mix-and-match tens of thousands of sensory...

Research: Researchers are building animal-inspired sensors into the shells of aircraft, cars —

What if drones and self-driving cars had the tingling "spidey senses" of Spider-Man? They might actually detect and avoid objects better, says Andres Arrieta,...

Research: How Earth’s mantle is like a Jackson Pollock painting —

In countless grade-school science textbooks, the Earth's mantle is a yellow-to-orange gradient, a nebulously defined layer between the crust and the core. To geologists,...

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