Donald Trump's Hair Secrets Revealed by Madame Tussauds

Donald Trump’s Hair Secrets Revealed by Madame Tussauds

Madame Tussauds use YAK HAIR to perfect Donald Trump's infamous hairstyle. Sculptors at Madame Tussauds in London are working hard behind the scene to complete...

Offbeat: Energy innovation necessary to overcome biggest zero emissions challenges —

Carbon dioxide emissions from human activities must approach zero within several decades to avoid risking grave damage from the effects of climate change....
Discover the latest home decor trends. what are some popular styles for this year?

Discover the latest home decor trends. what are some popular styles for this year?

As we step into a new year, the world of interior design unfolds with fresh trends, inviting us to reimagine and redefine the spaces...

Offbeat: Fundamental principles of thinking —

It is one of the most fundamental questions in neuroscience: How do humans think? Until recently, we seemed far from a conclusive answer....

Offbeat: Long-term health effects of armed conflict could last years after bombs stop falling...

Living in a warzone is linked with an increased risk of heart attack and stroke among civilians, even years after the conflict ends,...

Offbeat: Study has implications for reducing harsh verbal parenting and poor child behavior —...

A new parenting study finds that the greater emotional control and problem-solving abilities a mother has, the less likely her children will develop...
Eminem's "Kamikaze" Tops Australia's Albums Chart

Eminem’s “Kamikaze” Tops Australia’s Albums Chart

Eminem’s Kamikaze (Interscope/Universal) enters a second week atop Australia’s albums chart while homegrown singer and songwriter Dean Lewis settles-in at the summit of the...

Offbeat: Citizen scientists discover pinhead-sized beetle in Borneo —

How many citizen scientists does it take to discover a new species? A recent expedition to the Ulu Temburong forest in Borneo proved...

Offbeat: Guidelines for a standardized data format for use in cross-linguistic studies —

An international team of researchers, members of the Cross-Linguistic Data Formats Initiative (CLDF) led by the Max Planck Institute for the Science of...

Offbeat: Golf course managers challenged by fungicide-resistant turf grass disease —

Dollar spot -- the most common, troublesome and damaging turfgrass disease plaguing golf courses -- is becoming increasingly resistant to fungicides applied to...

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