Research: Social marketing campaigns can help threatened wildlife species recover —

Encouraging people to change their behavior through social marketing campaigns can help the recovery of threatened wildlife populations. New research shows that social marketing...

Research: Volcanoes fed by ‘mush’ reservoirs rather than molten magma chambers —

Volcanoes are not fed by molten magma formed in large chambers finds a new study, overturning classic ideas about volcanic eruptions. Instead, the study...

Research: NASA’s OSIRIS-REx spacecraft arrives at asteroid Bennu —

NASA's Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, Security-Regolith Explorer (OSIRIS-REx) spacecraft completed its 1.2 billion-mile (2 billion-kilometer) journey to arrive at the asteroid Bennu...

Research: New analytics approach identifies 15,000 at-risk species —

There are many organizations monitoring endangered species such as elephants and tigers, but what about the millions of other species on the planet...

Research: Coming to a city near you —

If you've been to your neighborhood farmers market or seen a small "local" section pop up in your grocery store, you may have...

Research: Inosine could be a potential route to the first RNA and the origin...

Our prehistoric Earth, bombarded with asteroids and lightening, rife with bubbling geothermal pools, may not seem hospitable today. But somewhere in the chemical...

Research: Global warming increases frost damage on trees in Central Europe —

Global warming increases frost damage on trees in large areas of Central Europe, according to a new Finnish-Chinese study by researchers from the...

Research: Study puts the Neotropics on the map of the world’s food production centers...

Shell middens are archeological features consisting mainly of the remains of marine animals thrown away near settlements over hundreds or thousands of years....

Research: At cell division, mother cell passes polarity information on to daughter cells —

Knowing which way is up and which way is down is important for all living beings. For plants, which grow roots into the...

Research: Mutliferroics are promising candidates for new type of memory and logic circuits —

Researchers from Intel Corp. and the University of California, Berkeley, are looking beyond current transistor technology and preparing the way for a new...

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