Thursday, April 25, 2024

Research: System that generates coherent single particles of light could help pave the way...

In the global quest to develop practical computing and communications devices based on the principles of quantum physics, one potentially useful component has...

Research: Aquatic microorganism could inspire soft robots able to move fast in narrow spaces...

Over three centuries ago, microscopy pioneer Antoni van Leeuwenhoek was marvelled by the tiny creatures he found in a drop of water from...

Research: New biochemical pathway that may develop more resilient crop varieties —

By manipulating the CHLORAD pathway, scientists can modify how plants respond to their environment. For example, the plant's ability to tolerate stresses such...

Research: Diving into Earth’s interior helps scientists unravel secrets of diamond formation —

Understanding the global carbon cycle provides scientists with vital clues about the planet's habitability. It's the reason why the Earth has a clement stable...

Research: A tasty Florida butterfly turns sour —

The viceroy butterfly is a mimic, modeling its orange-and-black colors after the queen butterfly, a bug that tastes so disgusting predators have learned...

Research: Wallace’s giant bee has been rediscovered in Indonesia —

An international team of scientists and conservationists has announced the finding of what many consider to be the 'holy grail' of bee discoveries...

Research: Triclosan added to toothpaste, mouthwash to kill bacteria inadvertently makes such cells stronger...

Grocery store aisles are stocked with products that promise to kill bacteria. People snap up those items to protect themselves from the germs...

Research: Many birds respond positively to the warmer climate conditions associated with drought —

How wildlife respond to climate change is likely to be complex. To better understand the effects of climate change on the bird community...

Research: Analysis reveals Caribbean communities that are most at risk from the social and...

Climate change has fueled coral reef bleaching throughout the tropics, with negative consequences for reef ecosystems and the people who depend on them....

Research: Yeasts reach across tree of life to domesticate suite of bacterial genes —

An insect's gut might seem an inhospitable place to settle in, but diverse microbes nonetheless make their home there. Yet in the gut,...

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