Research: Grasses are better than fertilizer for growing healthy blueberries —

Blueberries are prone to iron deficiency -- and correcting it increases their health-enhancing antioxidant content, researchers have discovered. Published in Frontiers in Plant Science,...

Research: Ultrafine particles from exhaust gas filters ‘worse than road traffic’ —

Modern coal-fired power stations produce more ultrafine dust particles than road traffic and can even modify and redistribute rainfall patterns, a new 15-year...

Research: Technology designed to advance self-powering devices such as consumer electronics and defense innovations...

A fascination with movie technology that showed robots perform self-repair through a liquid formula inspired a Purdue University professor to make his own...

Research: Forgetting uses more brain power than remembering —

Choosing to forget something might take more mental effort than trying to remember it, researchers at The University of Texas at Austin discovered...

Research: When coyote parents get used to humans, their offspring become bolder, too —

Across North America, coyotes are moving into urban environments, and regardless of how they feel about it, urban residents are having to get...

Research: Honey bees can help monitor pollution in cities —

Honey from urban bees can tell us how clean a city is and help pinpoint the sources of environmental pollutants such as lead,...

Research: Improving water quality can help the Great Barrier Reef, but won’t suffice to...

Recent flooding and the mass outflows of dirty water onto the Great Barrier Reef are raising concerns about their impact on reef health....

Research: New AI algorithms could allow robots to learn to move by themselves, imitating...

For a newborn giraffe or wildebeest, being born can be a perilous introduction to the world -- predators lie in wait for an...

Research: Ancient records prompt rethink of animal evolution timeline —

Scientists are rethinking a major milestone in animal evolution, after gaining fresh insights into how life on Earth diversified millions of years ago. Bursts...

Research: Medicinal plant, bed of the gods, spice and source of conflict — the...

With a price tag of up to 30,000 euro per kilogram, saffron is the most expensive spice in the world. Sometimes it even...

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