Research: Technology designed to advance self-powering devices such as consumer electronics and defense innovations...

A fascination with movie technology that showed robots perform self-repair through a liquid formula inspired a Purdue University professor to make his own...

Space: New mineral discovered in moon meteorite

Photo: Scanning electron microscope image of the new mineral, Donwilhelmsite, in the lunar...
Adverse pregnancy outcomes due to antihistamines

Research: European IVF pregnancy rates now steady at around 36 percent, according to ESHRE...

Forty years after the birth of Louise Brown, the world's first test-tube baby, an international committee monitoring progress in assisted reproduction reports today that...

Research: Study shows dairy farmers can improve water quality, increase forage production —

Dairy farmers in the Northeast can improve water quality and boost the profitability of their operations by changing the timing and method of...
Researchers 'Digitally Unwrap' Ancient Egyptian Animal Mummies

Researchers ‘Digitally Unwrap’ Ancient Egyptian Animal Mummies

Three mummified animals from ancient Egypt have been digitally unwrapped and dissected by researchers, using high-resolution 3D scans that give unprecedented detail about the...

Research: Imaging tool flags new proteins, lipids and DNA to track metabolic changes in...

Imaging tools like X-rays and MRI have revolutionized medicine by giving doctors a close up view of the brain and other vital organs...

Research: A biosynthetic dual-core cell computer —

Controlling gene expression through gene switches based on a model borrowed from the digital world has long been one of the primary objectives...

Research: Green monkeys’ alarm calls allow conclusions about the evolution of language —

Human language and communication skills are unique in the animal kingdom. How they developed in the course of evolution is being researched, among...

A timeline on the evolution of reptiles (TDnews)

Photo: Animals sampled in the analysis. view...

Research: Fluorescence discovered in tiny Brazilian frogs —

An international team of researchers was studying the acoustic communications of certain miniature frogs. When they discovered that Brachycephalus ephippium could not hear...

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