Research: Tiny song bird makes record migration —

It's an epic journey for a tiny bird. For the first time, University of Guelph biologists have tracked an annual migration of up to...

Research: Ejecting flagella could help microbes save energy during nutrient depletion —

In favorable conditions, many bacteria propel themselves to food sources and other sites of interest using whip-like molecular propellers known as flagella. However,...

Research: NASA’s Fermi Satellite clocks ‘cannonball’ pulsar speeding through space —

Astronomers found a pulsar hurtling through space at nearly 2.5 million miles an hour -- so fast it could travel the distance between...

Research: What makes evolution go backwards? —

The study of evolution is revealing new complexities, showing how the traits most beneficial to the fitness of individual plants and animals are...

Research: Weird, wild gravity of asteroid Bennu —

Research led by the University of Colorado Boulder is revealing the Alice in Wonderland-like physics that govern gravity near the surface of the...

Research: Research focused on interaction between nitrogen-fixing bacteria and their hosts —

Mutualisms, which are interactions between members of different species that benefit both parties, are found everywhere -- from exchanges between pollinators and the...

Research: OSIRIS-REx spectral data consistent with meteorites found on Earth —

A Southwest Research Institute-led team discovered evidence of abundant water-bearing minerals on the surface of the near-Earth asteroid (101955) Bennu. Using early spectral...

Research: Cost-effective method for hydrogen fuel production process —

Nanoparticles composed of nickel and iron have been found to be more effective and efficient than other, more costly materials when used as...

Research: First Anatolian farmers were local hunter-gatherers that adopted agriculture —

An international team, led by scientists from the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History and in collaboration with scientists from...

Research: Discovery of parasitic arsenic cycle may offer glimpse of life in future, warmer...

A newly discovered parasitic cycle, in which ocean bacteria keep phytoplankton on an energy-sapping treadmill of nutrient detoxification, may offer a preview of...

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