Researchers Discover the Correlation Between Our Vision

Researchers Discover the Correlation Between Our Vision

A new research has found out an overlap between human and machine, helping us understand how virtual eyes perceive things different as compared to...

Research: Quantifying ‘dark data’ in fossil collections is a call to arms; heralds a...

Days after a fire tore through Brazil's National Museum and destroyed specimens of irreplaceable heritage, a team of scientists has quantified the vast...

Research: Including effects of waves and erosion expands vulnerable areas —

By including models of dynamical physical processes such as erosion and wave run-up, a team of researchers from the University of Hawai'i at...

Research: Planet-wide loss of microbiota diversity is a health threat comparable to climate change...

A Rutgers University-New Brunswick-led team of researchers is calling for the creation of a global microbiota vault to protect the long-term health of...

Research: Molecular inhibition gets cells on the move —

To respond to changes in their environment, individual cells, including some of those that compose complex organisms, need to move. This can be...

Research: A routine check revealed a previously undocumented behavior in the intestinal parasite —

Johns Hopkins researchers have observed a previously unrecognized behavior in a single-celled parasite called Spironucleus vortens, which infects ornamental fish such as angelfish:...

Research: How to rapidly image entire brains at nanoscale resolution —

Eric Betzig didn't expect the experiment to work. Two scientists, Ruixuan Gao and Shoh Asano, wanted to use his team's microscope on brain samples...

Research: New class of solar cells, using lead-free perovskite materials —

Lead-based perovskites already gained much attention as promising materials for low-cost and high-efficiency solar cells. However, the intrinsic instability and the toxicity of...

Research: Novel nanoparticle-based approach detects and treats oral plaque without drugs —

When the good and bad bacteria in our mouth become imbalanced, the bad bacteria form a biofilm (aka plaque), which can cause cavities,...

Research: Findings will be immediately useful to many patients with previously inconclusive genetic test...

A new scientific analysis of nearly 4,000 mutations deliberately engineered into the BRCA1 gene will immediately benefit people undergoing genetic testing for breast...

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