Saturday, April 20, 2024

Research: Whence the white stripes? —

Coral reef fish are known for the wide range of colors and patterns they display, but the mechanisms governing the acquisition of these...

Research: International study suggest ancient globalization —

Using energy consumption as a measure, a team of international scientists has found that ancient civilizations engaged in globalization more than previously believed,...

Research: Persistence of glass sponge in face of climatic variability —

The glass sponge has persisted on the Scotian Shelf for decades, despite strong historical variability in water conditions and extremely limited protection by...

Research: Insecticide resistance genes affect vector competence for West Nile virus —

In a context of overuse of insecticides, which leads to the selection of resistant mosquitoes, it is already known that this resistance to...

Research: New findings upend prevailing theories; ocean’s role in carbon cycle isn’t as we...

Nitrogen fixation is surprisingly high in coastal waters and may play a larger role than expected in carbon dioxide (CO2) uptake in these...

Research: Novel methods for analyzing neural circuits for innate behaviors in insects —

Insects show a variety of species-specific innate behaviors (instinctive behaviors). For example, a worker honeybee that has found flower nectar exhibits 8-shape waggle-dances...

Research: Dietary cholesterol or egg consumption do not increase the risk of stroke, Finnish...

A new study from the University of Eastern Finland shows that a moderately high intake of dietary cholesterol or consumption of up to...

Research: Near two million acres on fire in the United States —

The West Coast of the United States is shrouded in smoke from the 110 large fires (this does not include smaller fires within...

Research: New mechanism could be ‘huge leap’ for immunology —

University of Nebraska-Lincoln researchers may have identified a vaccine that would defend against Zika virus without producing antibodies. Researcher Eric Weaver described the finding...

Research: Modern mahouts taking care of elephants in Myanmar are younger and less experienced...

Asian elephants are endangered, but remarkably, around one third of the remaining 45,000 Asian elephants in the world live in semi-captive conditions, cared...

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