Tech: AAAS announces new Science Partner Journal, Cyborg and Bionic Systems


The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) is pleased to announce the launch of new Science Partner Journal, Cyborg and Bionic Systems, published in affiliation with the Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT).

Cyborg and Bionic Systems‘ mission is to promote the knowledge interchange and hybrid system codesign between living beings and robotic systems. Living beings inspire improvements or novel robotics systems which, in turn, enables knowledge enhancement and extension of capabilities for living creatures. The scope will cover a wide range of fields related to cybernetic organisms (cyborg) and bionic systems (CBS), mainly including robotics, biomedical engineering and neuro-engineering. The journal will publish original Research Articles, Review Articles, Perspectives and Editorials.

Professor Toshio Fukuda from the Beijing Institute of Technology will serve as the Editor-in-Chief of Cyborg and Bionic Systems. He is also the 2020 IEEE president and a foreign member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Cyborg and Bionic Systems is currently open for submissions and will publish under a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). Two additional Science Partner Journal titles from BIT are also launching this year. Energy Material Advances is currently open for submissions and Space: Science & Technology will launch later this year.

Cyborg and Bionic Systems represents the convergence of some of the most exciting and dynamic trends in science and engineering”, said Professor Toshio Fukuda, Editor-in-Chief of Cyborg and Bionic Systems. “We are seeing explosive growth of findings and insights in this area, and the journal provides a much-needed forum for presenting and disseminating these works to understand and mimic life, and to improve the quality of human life through hybrid biological and robotic systems. I believe the journal will elevate the visibility and accessibility of this interdisciplinary field of research, to the great benefit of all.”

Academician Dr. Jun Zhang, president of Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT), said: “Research of cyborg and bionic systems touches on medical and family service, aid to the elderly and disabled and many other domains”, continued Dr. Zhang. “The booming development of the intelligent robotic industry and growth of research on hybrid systems bring tremendous opportunities for the establishment of the journal Cyborg and Bionic System, he continued. ” I’m deeply convinced that with the support from AAAS and BIT, this journal will surely provide an excellent interdisciplinary academic communication platform that guides the forefront of international science and technologies for relevant scholars worldwide.”

“The Science Partner Journal program is happy to welcome three new journals with another top tier partner, Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT),” said Bill Moran, Publisher of the Science family of journals at AAAS. “Cyborg and Bionic Systems offers a unique research area that will help broaden and advance our understanding of cybernetic organisms and bionic systems. Under the leadership of Toshio Fukuda and with BIT’s guidance and collaboration, we are confident the journal will excel.”

New titles participating in the Science Partner Journal program will launch on a regular basis and participation in the program is kept to English-language publications. AAAS is actively seeking new partners across scientific disciplines. Organizations participating in the Science Partner Journal program will be editorially independent and responsible for the content published in each journal. Partner organizations are responsible for establishing editorial boards committed to best practices in peer review and author service. For more information about the Science Partner Journal program, please visit the Science Partner Journal homepage at: For questions regarding the program and inquiries about the application process for becoming a partner organization, contact [email protected].


About the American Association for the Advancement of Science

The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) is the world’s largest general scientific society and publisher of the journal Science, as well as Science Translational Medicine; Science Signaling; a digital, open-access journal, Science Advances; Science Immunology; and Science Robotics. AAAS was founded in 1848 and includes more than 260 affiliated societies and academies of science, serving 10 million individuals. Science has the largest paid circulation of any peer-reviewed general science journal in the world. The nonprofit AAAS is open to all and fulfills its mission to “advance science and serve society” through initiatives in science policy, international programs, science education, public engagement and more.

About Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT)

Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT) has been one of the key universities in China since the founding of New China. BIT now has 18 professional schools and more than 3,400 staff, including 26 academicians, 47 “Chang Jiang Scholars Program” professors, 40 winners of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, 33 leader talents of the Supporting Program of Global Experts, 4 state level teachers, 6 state level teaching groups, 5 innovative teams of the National Natural Science Foundation of China and 10 innovative teams of the Chang Jiang Scholars Program. BIT has 2 national collaborative innovation centers, 9 state level cooperative innovation centers, state level laboratories and 6 state level research centers. BIT aims to develop students as leaders with ambition, wisdom, innovation and sense of duty. Currently, BIT has established inter-university collaboration with more than 346 renowned universities in 73 countries and regions on six continents and student exchange program with more than 70 partner universities. BIT was among the first to be selected in China’s efforts to build world-class universities, most notably the “211” and “985” projects. BIT has a joint lab for international cooperation on bionic robots and systems, and is a platform for global academic interaction under the national project “111”. BIT is building an international university and has created a global network for exchange and cooperation. BIT has always formulated its strategies in light of national strategic needs and global developments in science and technology and education, and in accordance with its own strengths and missions. BIT has developed a clear edge in technologies relating to intelligent and bionic robotics, space adaptive optics, green energy, modern communications and industrial process control. See



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