First physical evidence found supporting giant impact hypothesis

First physical evidence found supporting giant impact hypothesis

The Giant Impact Hypothesis proposes that the Earth’s Moon formed from the collision of a partially solid Earth with a more solid planetary object...

Research: Fires fueled spread of grasslands on ancient Earth —

Ancient wildfires played a crucial role in the formation and spread of grasslands like those that now cover large parts of the Earth,...

Research: Loss of intertidal ecosystem exposes coastal communities —

Artificial intelligence and extensive satellite imagery have allowed researchers to map the world's intertidal zones for the first time, revealing a significant loss...

Research: NASA’s Voyager 2 probe enters interstellar space —

For the second time in history, a human-made object has reached the space between the stars. NASA's Voyager 2 probe now has exited...
Scientists reflect on their contributions to Spitzer Space Telescope

Scientists reflect on their contributions to Spitzer Space Telescope

Today, NASA’s Spitzer Telescope retires after more than 16 years of discoveries. The telescope, which was launched into space in August 2003, is being...

Research: Bacteria in wastewater plants transform widely used chemicals —

When you flush the toilet, you probably don't think about the traces of the medicine and personal care products in your body that...

Research: Acidic oceans cause fish to lose their sense of smell —

When carbon dioxide is absorbed by seawater carbonic acid is formed, making the water more acidic. Since the Industrial Revolution, oceanic CO2 has...

Antarctica ramps up sea level rise — (research)

Ice losses from Antarctica have increased global sea levels by 7.6 mm since 1992, with two fifths of this rise (3.0 mm) coming...
Study: NASA rover may have visited ancient Martian sea in 1997

Study: NASA rover may have visited ancient Martian sea in 1997

Researchers say the sea, first spotted by the Mariner 9 spacecraft, would have created the bedforms previously detected and some of the area explored...

Research: Psychiatric disorders may have important molecular similarities that are not reflected in current...

Psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder often run in families. In a new international collaboration, researchers explored the genetic connections between...

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