Research: Loss of intertidal ecosystem exposes coastal communities —

Artificial intelligence and extensive satellite imagery have allowed researchers to map the world's intertidal zones for the first time, revealing a significant loss...

Research: Seed-eaters particularly vulnerable to temperature shifts —

The breeding seasons of wild house finches are shifting due to climate change, a Washington State University researcher has found. The effect of climate...

Research: Why is sea level rising faster in some places along the US East...

Sea levels are rising globally from ocean warming and melting of land ice, but the seas aren't rising at the same rate everywhere....

Research: Researchers use 3D computer modeling to simulate heat exchange in dinosaurs —

Being a gigantic dinosaur presented some challenges, such as overheating in the Cretaceous sun and frying your brain. Researchers from Ohio University and...

Research: Groups of pilot whales have their own dialects —

In humans, different social groups, cities, or regions often have distinct accents and dialects. Those vocal traits are not unique to us, however....

Research: Sapphires and rubies in the sky —

Researchers   have discovered a new, exotic class of planets outside our solar system. These so-called super-Earths were formed at high temperatures close to...

Research: Geochemical analysis of fossil teeth shows horses in Florida did not make epic...

Unlike today's zebras, prehistoric horses in parts of North America did not make epic migrations to find food or fresh water, according to...

Research: Completely nonmagnetic high-pressure cell enables determination of spin arrangements under high pressure —

National Institute for Materials Science, Japan. "World's first success in analyzing 3D neutron polarization under high pressure: Completely nonmagnetic...

Research: Physicists provide first model of Moon’s rotational dynamics, accounting for the solid inner...

New research from University of Alberta physicists provides the first-ever model of our Moon's rotational dynamics, taking into consideration its solid inner core....

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