Research: Air pollutants from US forest soils will increase with climate change —

A study from Indiana University has found that trees influence whether soil can remove or emit gases that cause smog, acid rain and...

Research: Unraveling the mysteries of hagfish’s slimy defense —

The hagfish dates back at least 300 million years. The secret of survival for these eel-like sea creatures can be found in the...

Research: How much rainforest do birds need? —

Researchers of the Department of Conservation Biology at the University of Göttingen have carried out research in Southwest Cameroon to assess which proportion...

Research: Ancient climate change triggered warming that lasted thousands of years —

A rapid rise in temperature on ancient Earth triggered a climate response that may have prolonged the warming for many thousands of years,...

Research: Piece to the puzzle of baleen whales’ evolution —

An Otago researcher has added another piece to the puzzle of the evolution of modern baleen whales with a world-first study examining the...

Research: Scientists discover new quantum spin liquid —

An international research team led by the University of Liverpool and McMaster University has made a significant breakthrough in the search for new...

Research: A surprisingly early replacement of Neanderthals by modern humans in southern Spain —

A new study of Bajondillo Cave (Málaga) by a team of researchers based in Spain, Japan and the UK, coordinated from the Universidad...

Research: Scientists find genes with large effects on head and brain size —

The size of children's heads is not only related to the growth of their skull, but also their brain. A genome-wide analysis, published...

Research: Two- to three-fold increase in heatwave occurrence and severity seen directly in UK...

A two to three-fold increase in heatwave activity in the United Kingdom since the late 19th century has been identified in a new...

Research: New calculations show scientists have grossly underestimated the effects of air pollution —

For a while now, the scientific community has known that global warming is caused by humanmade emissions in the form of greenhouse gases...

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