Research: Massive collision in the planetary system Kepler 107 —

Since, in 1995 the first extrasolar planet was discovered almost 4,000 planets have been found around the nearest stars. This allows us to...

Research: Female manakins use male mating call when implanted with male hormones —

Among the first things that stand out about golden-collared manakins, a bird found in Panama and western Colombia, are the acrobatics of male...

Research: Bubbles of brand new stars —

This region of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) glows in striking colours in this image captured by the Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE)...

Research: Social behavior of western lowland gorillas —

A new study published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences reveals one of the enigmas related to the...

Research: Sharp bends make rivers wander —

Left to their own devices and given enough time, rivers wander, eroding their banks and leaving their old channels behind. It's a behavior...

Research: Cuvier’s beaked whales go a mile deep, hold breath for an hour —

A new Duke University-led study provides the first detailed record of the diving behavior of Cuvier's beaked whales in U.S. Atlantic waters. Cuvier's beaked...

Research: Insects crave salt and search grasslands for the limiting nutrient —

A University of Oklahoma team from the Geographical Ecology Group has published a new study in the journal Ecology on the nutritional preferences...

Research: Current international climate policies do not take into account full effects on global...

The weather these days is wild and will be wilder still within a century -- in part, because the water from melting ice...

Research: That’s bad news for sustainable agriculture —

A new U of T study suggests that globally we're growing more of the same kinds of crops, and this presents major challenges...

Research: Fate of the subducted oceanic crust revealed by laboratory experiments —

Professor Tetsuo Irifune of the Geodynamics Research Center (GRC) of Ehime University heads a research group investigating the Earth's interior by means of...

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