Research: Counting (on) sheep? Promising gene therapy for visually impaired sheep now safe for...

Back in 2009, a group of Israeli researchers identified a herd of Awassi sheep suffering from "day blindness." As its name implies, these...

Research: Impact of WWII bombing raids felt at edge of space —

Bombing raids by Allied forces during the Second World War not only caused devastation on the ground but also sent shockwaves through Earth's...

Research: ‘Flipped’ metal oxide cage can sort CO2 from CO —

How do you separate carbon dioxide from carbon monoxide? One way, showcased by a new study from Kanazawa University, is to use a...

Research: Massive energy needed for nerve cells to keep ‘talking’ —

Your cells have an amazing ability -- they can build their own energy factories, called mitochondria. Once built, mitochondria must move where needed...

Research: From vibrations alone, acacia ants can tell nibbles from the wind —

Acacia trees are a prominent feature of the East African savannah. They're also a classic example of the long-standing and complex relationships between...

Research: Physicists reveal why matter dominates our universe —

Physicists in the College of Arts and Sciences at Syracuse University have confirmed that matter and antimatter decay differently for elementary particles containing...

Research: Scientists 3D-print all-liquid ‘lab on a chip’ —

Researchers at DOE's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) have 3D-printed an all-liquid device that, with the click of a button, can be...

Research: In warming Arctic, major rivers show surprising changes in carbon chemistry —

Over the past several decades, the Arctic has begun to show signs of significant ecological upheaval. The rate of warming in the Arctic...

Research: DNA of early medieval Alemannic warriors and their entourage decoded —

In 1962, an Alemannic burial site containing human skeletal remains was discovered in Niederstotzingen (Baden-Württemberg, Germany). Researchers at the Eurac Research Centre in...

Research: Special antibodies could lead to HIV vaccine —

A small number of people who are infected with HIV-1 produce very special antibodies. These antibodies do not just fight one virus strain,...

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