Wednesday, June 5, 2024
10-Year Old Boy Discovers Ancient Fish Fossil, Report

10-Year Old Boy Discovers Ancient Fish Fossil (Details)

A 10-year-old boy found something that looked similar to a fish inside a stone. About three years ago, a likely bored ten-year-old boy was touring...
Interactive map reveals the locations of UFO sightings

Interactive map reveals the locations of “UFO sightings”

Sightings of UFOs appear to be on the rise, and now an interactive map can reveal whether 'aliens' have been seen in your area. The...
NASA Asteroid Tracker: A monster Asteroid to Fly Past Earth on 9 September

NASA Asteroid Tracker: A monster Asteroid to Fly Past Earth on 9 September

A massive asteroid as big as the Arc de Triomphe was predicted to have a chance of smashing into Earth today, as rapture watchers...
China's Race to Find Aliens First, Report

China’s Race to Find Aliens First, Report

China is confident it will be the first to make contact with Alien Life thanks to the world’s largest radio dish which can detect...
Sponge is the ancestor of all animals, finds new research

Sponge is the ancestor of all animals, finds new research

It's one of biology's most-heated debates – what are the origins of animals? Now, researchers have waded into the debate with a new study, suggesting...
What are the Northern Lights? Aurora Borealis explained

What are the Northern Lights? Aurora Borealis explained

As far as must-see goes, the Northern Lights is up there with the best but do you know what they are and what causes...
Physicist captures impossible photo of a single atom

Researcher captures impossible photo of a single atom

A student at the University of Oxford is being celebrated in the world of science photography for capturing a single, floating atom with an...
Another near miss: Lost asteroid to fly between moon and Earth

Another near miss: Lost asteroid to give Earth a very close shave

There Were 17 Enormous asteroids that passed near our An asteroid that’s larger than an ordinary cricket registered recently flew beyond Earth. It’ll reach its...
Study: Mystery objects near Milky Way’s giant black hole

Study: Mystery objects near Milky Way’s giant black hole

Scientists have discovered evidence for many mysterious objects located near the center of Milky Way galaxy. Astronomers said on June 6, 2018, that they analyzed...
'Nesting doll pyramid' discovered in Mexico inside the Temple of Kukulcan

‘Nesting doll pyramid’ discovered in Mexico inside the Temple of Kukulcan

A third structure within the Kukulkan pyramid in eastern Mexico has been discovered, revealing that it was built like a "Russian nesting doll," experts...

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