Research: Yeast produce low-cost, high-quality cannabinoids —

University of California, Berkeley, synthetic biologists have engineered brewer's yeast to produce marijuana's main ingredients -- mind-altering THC and non-psychoactive CBD -- as...

Research: Biodiversity can boost forest carbon storage, but less than other factors —

Biodiversity plays a significant role in forest carbon storage, but surprisingly less than previously thought, new research in Ecology Letters suggests. By analyzing stores...
Researchers developed method for identifying disease biomarkers with high accuracy

Researchers developed method for identifying disease biomarkers with high accuracy

Researchers are developing a deep learning network capable of detecting disease biomarkers with a much higher degree of accuracy. Experts at the University of Waterloo’s...
Researchers Closer to Solution of 'Oldest Open Question in Astrophysics'

Researchers Closer to Solution of ‘Oldest Open Question in Astrophysics’

Researchers have said they have a statistical solution for Newton's three-body problem – that is, the problem of figuring out how three similar objects...

Research: A new emphasis on restoration to protect Puget Sound —

For years, a commonly used tactic for protecting threatened and endangered animals in Puget Sound was to cordon off areas to fishing. More...
Report: Rarely heard narwhal vocalizations

Report: Rarely heard narwhal vocalizations

With the help of Inuit hunters, geophysicists recently recorded the various calls, buzzes, clicks and whistles of narwhals as they summered in a Greenland...
'Zombie fungus' controls ant muscles, researchers say

‘Zombie fungus’ controls ant muscles, researchers say

Scientists at Penn State University released new information about one of Earth’s weirdest natural phenomena. A parasitic 'zombie' fungus controls its ant hosts to die...

Research: Analysis reveals Caribbean communities that are most at risk from the social and...

Climate change has fueled coral reef bleaching throughout the tropics, with negative consequences for reef ecosystems and the people who depend on them....

Research: Illinois’ imperiled eastern massasauga rattlesnakes retain genetic diversity —

Habitat loss, habitat fragmentation and the loss of genetic diversity are the three main factors driving the extinction of many wild species, and...
Gargantuan guinea pig ancestor was a tusk fighter

Gargantuan guinea pig ancestor was a tusk fighter

Dr. Philip Cox, of the Centre for Anatomical and Human Sciences at the University of York in Britain, and colleagues reported an analysis of...

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