Saturday, June 15, 2024
Research reveals the truth about lying

Research reveals the truth about lying

The common beliefs about lying and the supposition that everyone lies or at least tells a few white lies every day has been brought...
Hornworm caterpillars found to use nicotine as a defense

Hornworm caterpillars found to use nicotine as a defense

Tobacco hornworm caterpillars were proven to use nicotine as a defense against their major predator by researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Chemical...
Harvard study debunks glycemic index

Harvard study debunks glycemic index

Little to no evidence can substantiate the claims that high glycemic index foods like pasta and bananas increase a person’s risk for cardiovascular disease....
Science historian slams commercial space as 'ego-driven'

Science historian slams commercial space as ‘ego-driven’

Slate published a polemic against commercial space on Tuesday that has the Internet buzzing, mainly with outrage. The premise of the article is that...
Science may have developed a cure for bigotry

Science may have developed a cure for bigotry

Virtual reality and the innate ability of the human brain to bring together the impressions created by different senses may be a step toward...
New severe weather research group being co-lead by CU-Boulder

New severe weather research group being co-lead by CU-Boulder

Scientists at the University of Colorado Boulder and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) have formed a new research consortium that is built upon years...
New study shows carbon in Martian meteorite to be 'likely of biological origin'

New study shows carbon in Martian meteorite to be ‘likely of biological origin’

The possibility of ancient life on Mars just received an added boost: new analysis of carbon inside a Martian meteorite shows that it is...
City insects proven to be natural garbage disposal

City insects proven to be natural garbage disposal

Millipedes, roaches, ants and other insects provide a huge disposal system for food waste that litters the streets of New York City. This is...
Frenchman claims to have invented a pill that makes flatulence smell like roses

Frenchman claims to have invented a pill that makes flatulence smell like roses

Flatulence is one of the more disagreeable medical conditions, more often than not caused by eating certain foods such as beans or cabbage that...
Research shows dogs respond to speech like people

Research shows dogs respond to speech like people

Dogs have been shown to have the same bias for recognition of speech and the tone of speech by different hemispheres of the brain...

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