Thursday, April 25, 2024

Study: Molecular probe illuminates elusive cancer stem cells in live mice — (Details)

After a primary tumor is treated, cancer stem cells may still lurk in the body, ready to metastasize and cause a recurrence of...

Study: In darters, male competition drives evolution of flashy fins, bodies — (Details)

Scientists once thought that female mate choice alone accounted for the eye-catching color patterns seen in some male fish. But for orangethroat darters,...

Study: A previously unknown airway cell type may be a key to efforts to...

In separate studies published online in Nature on Aug. 1, two independent research teams report the discovery of a new, rare type of...

Study: Genetic signatures trace origin of infection and its potential path through populations, allowing...

In a recently published study in the journal Nature Microbiology, researchers at Los Alamos National Laboratory show that computer simulations can accurately predict...

Study: Tests show ‘crystalsome’ nanoparticle lasts longer in bloodstream — (Details)

Selecting the right packaging to get precious cargo from point A to point B can be a daunting task at the post office....

Study: Child’s lobectomy reveals brain’s ability to reorganize its visual system — (Details)

A new study led by Carnegie Mellon University neuroscientists provides the first evidence of how the human brain recovers the ability to function...

Study: New trials reveal swallowable sensor 3,000 times more accurate than current technology —...

New trials of a breakthrough swallowable sensor have revealed the device is 3,000 times more accurate than current technology used to diagnose many...

Study: Makeup of an individual’s gut bacteria may play role in weight loss —...

A preliminary study published in the August issue of Mayo Clinic Proceedings suggests that, for some people, specific activities of gut bacteria may...

Study: Molecular mechanisms of rare skin disease uncovered — (Details)

Keratinocyte skin cells are common targets of the beta subtype of human papilloma virus. This usually harmless infection causes skin disease in people...

Study: Alzheimer’s drug may stop disease if used before symptoms develop, study suggests —...

About 50 percent of people who reach the age of 85 will develop Alzheimer's disease. Most will die within about five years of...

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