Study: People with certain personality traits and cognitive styles are more likely to believe...

Conspiracy theories have been cooked up throughout history, but they are increasingly visible lately, likely due in part to the president of the...

Study: Schoolyard tree cover predicts math performance in high-poverty urban schools — (Details)

What if improving academic performance in some of the nation's most disadvantaged and lowest-achieving schools was as easy as planting trees in the...

Study: Meds alleviate or even completely eliminate the symptoms of celiac disease — ...

In an industrial collaboration project, TU Wien has developed a medication that can alleviate or even completely eliminate the symptoms of celiac disease....

Study: If phase III clinical trials are successful, researchers suggest categorizing the drug as...

In an evaluation of the safety and abuse research on the drug in hallucinogenic mushrooms, Johns Hopkins researchers suggest that if it clears...

Study: Novel agents 135H11 and 135H12 move research closer to drug development — ...

Recently, a research team led by Maurizio Pellecchia at the University of California, Riverside, discovered a way for chemotherapy drug paclitaxel to target...

Study: Possible cause for Alzheimer’s and traumatic brain injury discovered — (Details)

Rutgers researchers have discovered a new mechanism that may contribute to Alzheimer's disease and traumatic brain injury. They now hope to launch a...

Study: Common heart condition linked to sudden death — (Details)

A University of Adelaide-led team of researchers has found a link between sudden cardiac death (when the heart suddenly stops beating) and a...

Study: Breakthrough could lead to ‘new and better treatments blood pressure medications’ — ...

New research for the first time reveals the three-dimensional structure of a membrane channel that's critical in controlling blood pressure. The findings, published today...
CDC: Congenital syphilis cases more than double in 5 years

CDC: Congenital syphilis cases more than double in 5 years

CDC: Congenital syphilis cases more than double since 2013. The number of babies born with syphilis has doubled since 2013 and is at a 20-year...

Study: Life-saving treatment for cancers and immune deficiencies comes with downsides — (Details)

Two recent studies in the journal Leukemia present a new approach for bone marrow donation and transplant that preclinical laboratory tests suggest could...

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