Research: Cocktails with Cleopatra? Israeli scientists resurrect yeast from ancient beer jugs to recreate...

What kind of beer did the Pharaohs drink? In ancient times, beer was an important ingredient in people's daily diet. Great powers were...

Research: Global temperature change attributable to external factors, new study confirms —

Researchers at the University of Oxford have confirmed that human activity and other external factors are responsible for the rise in global temperature....

Research: Plant stem cells require low oxygen levels —

Plants function as the green lungs of our planet. Rightfully so, due to the capacity of a large single tree releasing more than...

Research: Chemistry of stars sheds new light on the Gaia Sausage —

Chemical traces in the atmospheres of stars are being used to uncover new information about a galaxy, known as the Gaia Sausage, which...

Research: Producing electricity at estuaries using light and osmosis —

Most renewable power technologies are weather dependent. Wind farms can only operate when there's a breeze, and solar power plants rely on sunlight....

Research: Natural environments favor ‘good’ bacteria —

A new study has shown that restoring environments to include a wider range of species can promote 'good' bacteria over 'bad' -- with...

Research: Adapt to living outside protected areas —

Research carried out into the impact of changes to chimpanzee habitats found they have adapted to human developments in a number of ways...

Research: Massive Martian ice discovery opens a window into Red Planet’s history —

Newly discovered layers of ice buried a mile beneath Mars' north pole are the remnants of ancient polar ice sheets and could be...

Research: Strange Martian mineral deposit likely sourced from volcanic explosions —

Ashfall from ancient volcanic explosions is the likely source of a strange mineral deposit near the landing site for NASA's next Mars rover,...

Research: A new view on past climate change —

Fluctuations in the orbital parameters of the Earth are considered to be the trigger for long-term climatic fluctuations such as ice ages. This...

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