Google : Gmail and YouTube go down in multiple countries, Report

Google : Gmail and YouTube go down in multiple countries, Report
Google : Gmail and YouTube go down in multiple countries, Report

GOOGLE has crashed sparking outages across its Gmail and YouTube brands. How long will Google be down for?

Downtime indicator sites showed big spikes for outages from about 11pm AEDT, across Europe, the Americas and Asia.

Users who attempted to access Gmail received a ‘Temporary Error’ message.

“We’re sorry, but your account is temporarily unavailable. We apologise for the inconvenience and suggest trying again in a few minutes,” it read.

YouTube’s main page had defaulted to a cartoon of a chimp bearing the message “Something went wrong”. But the video sharing site appeared to work if users accessed it from ‘Incognito’ or ‘Private’ mode on their browsers.

There’s been no word from Google so far on what might have caused the outage or when the services might come back up.


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