Tech: Physicists ‘flash-freeze’ crystal of 150 ions — (Report)

Physicists at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have "flash-frozen" a flat crystal of 150 beryllium ions (electrically charged atoms), opening...

Tech: Supercoiling can keep DNA knots locked in place for long enough that they...

Even living cells have their own tangled problems to solve. They involve knots that arise accidentally in DNA and that can comprise its...

Tech: Most fantasy sports are based on skill, not luck — (Report)

If you've ever taken part in the armchair sport of fantasy football and found yourself at the top of your league's standings at...
YouTube shuts down North Korea propaganda account, Report

YouTube shuts down North Korea propaganda account, Report

Academics are angry that YouTube has shut down two North Korean news, and propaganda channels and has urged the company to reinstate them as...

Tech: The most complete study of battery failure sees the light — (Report)

An international team of researchers just published in Advanced Energy Materials the widest study on what happens during battery failure, focusing on the...

Tech: ‘Astrocomb’ opens new horizons for planet-hunting telescope — (Report)

The hunt for Earth-like planets, and perhaps extraterrestrial life, just got more precise, thanks to record-setting starlight measurements made possible by a National...

Tech: Physicists shatter Bose-Einstein condensate, get different pieces every time — (Report)

Physicists in the United States, Austria and Brazil have shown that shaking ultracold Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) can cause them to either divide into...

Tech: Veiled supernovae provide clue to stellar evolution — (Report)

At the end of its life, a red supergiant star explodes in a hydrogen-rich supernova. By comparing observation results to simulation models, an...

Tech: Could drastically reduce the size and weight of cameras, microscopes, telescopes, and eyeglasses...

Light of different colors travels at different speeds in different materials and structures. This is why we see white light split into its...

Tech: New mapping tool uses satellite images to track annual changes in mining’s footprint...

The coal industry may have declined in the last decade because of the rise of cheap natural gas, but a coal mining method...

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