Research: Is habitat restoration actually killing plants in the California wildlands?

In 2014, plant biologists with the California Department of Agriculture reported an alarming discovery: native wildflowers and herbs, grown in nurseries and then...

Divining monsoon rainfall months in advance with satellites and simulations (Study)

IMAGE: The Indian monsoon provides water for crops across the subcontinent. Research led...
No, April 23 Will Not Bring the End of the World, Report

No, the world isn’t going to end on April 23rd, Report

Different predictions have started moving around many claiming that the end of the world which is also known as rapture will take place on...

Study: Tipping point for large-scale social change —

When organizations turn a blind eye to sexual harassment in the workplace, how many people need to take a stand before the behavior...

Research: New complex carbohydrate discovered in barley —

University of Adelaide researchers have discovered a new complex carbohydrate in barley. The first of its kind to be discovered in over 30...
Methane cloud over Four Corners region to be focus of more scientific scrutiny

Methane cloud over Four Corners region to be focus of more scientific scrutiny

Scientists from the University of Colorado, the University of Michigan, NOAA (the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) and NASA are now working to find...

Research: Diving into Earth’s interior helps scientists unravel secrets of diamond formation —

Understanding the global carbon cycle provides scientists with vital clues about the planet's habitability. It's the reason why the Earth has a clement stable...

Research: Ultrasound releases drug to alter activity in targeted brain areas in rats —

Stanford University School of Medicine scientists have developed a noninvasive way of delivering drugs to within a few millimeters of a desired point...

Research: Expedition probes ocean’s smallest organisms for climate answers —

Satellite images of phytoplankton blooms on the surface of the ocean often dazzle with their diverse colors, shades and shapes. But phytoplankton are...

Research: New data show how manatees use shipping channels —

A new publication in the journal Frontiers in Marine Science tracks West Indian manatee movements through nearshore and offshore ship channels in the...

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