Research: Long-term melting may lead to release of huge volumes of cold, fresh water...

The Beaufort Gyre is an enormous, 600-mile-wide pool of swirling cold, fresh water in the Arctic Ocean, just north of Alaska and Canada....

Research: Study finds shrubs trap snow, creating permanently thawed zones that destroy permafrost and...

A new collaborative study has investigated Arctic shrub-snow interactions to obtain a better understanding of the far north's tundra and vast permafrost system....

Research: Crabs larval differences are unrelated to their mothers’ sizes —

Like people, blue crabs aren't all the same sizes and shapes. Now Rutgers scientists have discovered substantial differences in the body structures of...

Research: Study provides new data on distribution of marine communities in the deep, dark,...

In an extensive and rigorous study of animal life on the Central Arctic Ocean floor, researchers have shown that water depth and food...

Research: First comprehensive assessment of Pando reveals critical threats —

Utah State University researchers Paul Rogers and Darren McAvoy have conducted the first complete assessment of the Pando aspen clone and the results...

Research: Size limit for undiscovered subatomic particles determined —

A new study suggests that many theorized heavy particles, if they exist at all, do not have the properties needed to explain the...

Research: Near-atomic resolution model of viral protein complex brings clearer understanding of the viral...

Researchers at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) have for the first time imaged the structure of a central...

Research: Vast leukemia dataset could help researchers match therapies to patients —

After years of work, researchers are releasing a massive dataset detailing the molecular makeup of tumor cells from more than 500 patients with...

Research: Social brain lights up in juvenile songbirds that find a singing mentor —

Youngsters learn many important behaviors by imitating adults. But young learners are selective in who they copy, and scientists don't understand how they...

Research: Study tests calculations for measuring soil moisture using radar technology —

Ground penetrating radar isn't something from the latest sci-fi movie. It's actually a tool used by soil scientists to measure the amount of...

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