Milk lipids follow the evolution of mammals

Milk lipids follow the evolution of mammals (Study)

IMAGE: Skoltech scientists conducted a study of milk lipids and described the unique...

Research: Researchers tap rare pristine air to reveal pollution’s impact —

Five years ago, researchers spent three hours packed aboard a steamy Gulfstream-1 research aircraft as it zig-zagged between pristine air over the Amazon...

Research: Explaining differences in rates of evolution —

The rate at which evolution produces new species of plants and animals, or at which existing species die out, is a subject of...

Research: TESS finds its first Earth-sized planet —

A nearby system hosts the first Earth-sized planet discovered by NASA's Transiting Exoplanets Survey Satellite, as well as a warm sub-Neptune-sized world, according...
Reproductive genome from the laboratory

Study: Reproductive genome from the laboratory — Tdnews

The field of synthetic biology does not only observe and describe processes of life but also mimics them. A key characteristic of life is...
Gargantuan guinea pig ancestor was a tusker

Gargantuan guinea pig ancestor was a tusker

Dr. Philip Cox, of the Centre for Anatomical and Human Sciences at the University of York in Britain, and colleagues reported an analysis of...
Study: Invasive marine species discovered on non–native kelp rafts

Study: Invasive marine species discovered on non–native kelp rafts

Antarctic shallow coastal marine communities were long thought to be isolated from their nearest neighbours by hundreds of kilometres of deep ocean and the...
Study: How huge dinosaurs nested without crushing their eggs

Study: How huge dinosaurs nested without crushing their eggs

How do you sit on your nest of eggs when you weigh over 1,500kg? Carefully - according to a new study from an international team...

Study: Two new species are Africa’s earliest known four-legged vertebrates —

The first African fossils of Devonian tetrapods (four-legged vertebrates) show these pioneers of land living within the Antarctic circle, 360 million years ago. The...

Research: Near-atomic resolution model of viral protein complex brings clearer understanding of the viral...

Researchers at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) have for the first time imaged the structure of a central...

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