Research: Interfacial electronic state improving hydrogen storage capacity in Pd-MOF materials —

NIMS, Kyushu University and Kyoto University jointly identified a mechanism by which a hybrid material composed of palladium (Pd) and metal-organic frameworks (MOFs)...

Research: What seabirds can tell us about the tide —

When the UK's Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) set out to tag razorbills, their aim was to track their behaviour...

Research: Forest fragmentation disrupts parasite infection in Australian lizards —

In a study with implications for biodiversity and the spread of infectious diseases, CU Boulder ecologists have demonstrated that deforestation and habitat fragmentation...

Research: The secret of brown trout dying uncovered —

Every summer in Southern Germany, Austria and Switzerland, tons of brown trout perish. An interdisciplinary team from the Technical University of Munich (TUM)...

Research: Peafowl crest feathers resonate with frequencies used for tail-rattling behavior —

Indian peafowl crests resonate efficiently and specifically to the same vibration frequencies used in peacock social displays, according to a paper published November...

Research: Vaccine signatures in humanized mice point to better understanding of infectious diseases —

Infectious diseases kill millions of people each year, but the search for treatments is hampered by the fact that laboratory mice are not...

Research: Swapping bacteria may help ‘Nemo’ fish cohabitate with fish-killing anemones —

Nemo, the adorable clownfish in the movie Finding Nemo, rubs himself all over the anemone he lives in to keep it from stinging...

Research: Whale songs’ changing pitch may be response to population, climate changes —

Blue whales around the world are singing a little flat, and scientists may now have more clues as to the reason why. A new...

Research: Scientists can predict where a rat will go next based on how its...

Place cells in the hippocampus fire when we are in a certain position -- this discovery by John O'Keefe, May-Britt Moser and Edvard...

Research: Pathway leading to bioluminescence in fungi identified and transferred to another organism —...

In daylight, Neonothopanus nambi is a rather unremarkable brown fungus. But a surprise hides behind the drab façade: at night, the fungus glows...

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