Research: Dinosaurs were thriving before asteroid strike that wiped them out —

Dinosaurs were unaffected by long-term climate changes and flourished before their sudden demise by asteroid strike. Scientists largely agree that an asteroid impact, possibly...

Research: Impact of urbanization on wild bees underestimated —

Wild bees are indispensable pollinators, supporting both agricultural productivity and the diversity of flowering plants worldwide. But wild bees are experiencing widespread declines resulting...

Research: Scientists decipher protein structure after more than fifty years of research —

Viruses depend on host cells for replication, but how does a virus induce its host to transcribe its own genetic information alongside that...

Research: Some worms recently evolved the ability to regrow a complete head —

An international group of researchers including biologists from the University of Maryland found that at least four species of marine ribbon worms independently...

Research: Sleep increases chromosome dynamics that clear out DNA damage accumulated during waking hours...

Why do animals sleep? Why do humans "waste" a third time of their lives sleeping? Throughout evolution sleep has remained universal and essential...

Research: Special diet with compounds contained in green tea and carrots restored working memory...

A diet containing compounds found in green tea and carrots reversed Alzheimer's-like symptoms in mice genetically programmed to develop the disease, USC researchers...

Research: As sea level rises, wetlands crank up their carbon storage —

Some wetlands perform better under pressure. A new study revealed that when faced with sea-level rise, coastal wetlands respond by burying even more...

Research: When it comes to wooing the ‘ladies’, it turns out male bottlenose dolphins...

When it comes to wooing the 'ladies', it turns out male bottle nose dolphins employ special tactics with their brothers or cousins to...

Research: New satellite keeps close watch on Antarctic ice loss —

A recently-launched satellite mission has captured precision data on the elevation of the Antarctic ice sheet proving a valuable addition to monitoring efforts...

Research: Swifts are born to eat and sleep in the air —

"They eat and sleep while they are airborne. This is something that researchers have believed since the 1950s, and now we can show...

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