Research: New type of highly sensitive vision discovered in deep-sea fish —

The deep sea is home to fish species that can detect various wavelengths of light in near-total darkness. Unlike other vertebrates, they have...

Research: Gravitational forces in protoplanetary disks may push super-Earths close to their stars —

The galaxy is littered with planetary systems vastly different from ours. In the solar system, the planet closest to the Sun -- Mercury,...

Research: Oldest known trees in eastern North America documented —

A recently documented stand of bald cypress trees in North Carolina, including one tree at least 2,624 years old, are the oldest known...

Research: Historical records show what leads lions to hunt porcupines and what happens when...

Not much can mess with a lion. They're four-hundred-pound top predators, bringing down large prey like wildebeests, zebras, and even giraffes. But they're...

Research: Wild red deer contribute to the preservation of open landscapes —

Similar to farm animals such as cattle or sheep, wild red deer grazing in open landscapes can also contribute to the conservation of...

Research: Paper wasps capable of behavior that resembles logical reasoning —

A new University of Michigan study provides the first evidence of transitive inference, the ability to use known relationships to infer unknown relationships,...

Research: The bird that came back from the dead —

New research has shown that the last surviving flightless species of bird, a type of rail, in the Indian Ocean had previously gone...

Research: Star formation burst in the Milky Way 2-3 billion years ago —

A team led by researchers of the Institute of Cosmos Sciences of the University of Barcelona (ICCUB, UB-IEEC) and the Besançon Astronomical Observatory...

Research: Water flea can smell fish and dive into the dark for protection —

Water fleas -- or Daphnia -- ensure their survival by reacting to a signal substance of their predators (fish) with flight. The zoologist...

Research: Radioactive carbon from nuclear bomb tests found in deep ocean trenches —

Radioactive carbon released into the atmosphere from 20th-century nuclear bomb tests has reached the deepest parts of the ocean, new research finds. A new...

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