There is an increased risk for heart attack and stroke with poor sleep

There is an increased risk for heart attack and stroke with poor sleep

Although sleeping well is an essential part of overall well being in body and mind many people fail to place a priority on getting...
Sleep deprivation impacts long-term health

Sleep deprivation impacts long-term health

A lack of sleep can have a negative effect on our future health, says a study by the University of Copenhagen. The research was...
The appendix plays an significant role in digestive health

The appendix plays an significant role in digestive health

Many people think that the appendix is an organ with no particular purpose. This does not appear to be so. The Walter and Eliza...
Scientists find benefits and drawbacks to two-step surgical approach for “leaky heart valves”

Scientists find benefits and drawbacks to two-step surgical approach for “leaky heart valves”

Patients with mitral and tricuspid valve regurgitation, a condition sometimes called “leaky heart valves,” appeared to do better after two years if they had...
New study shows that children of older fathers are at higher risk of autism

New study shows that children of older fathers are at higher risk of autism

E Max Health shares a new study that shows that children of older fathers are at a higher risk of autism and other genetic...
Is Soy Milk Better during Pregnancy than Cow’s Milk?

Is Soy Milk Better during Pregnancy than Cow’s Milk?

The soybean might have been responsible for the beanstalk that Jack climbed. Within the soybean is a complex array of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and...
Medication for borderline personality disorder

Medication for borderline personality disorder

Borderline personality disorder is tricky to treat with medication. This is because many of the behaviors and thought patterns associated with it are typical...
Hands-Only CPR, an alternate resuscitation technique for teens and adults

Hands-Only CPR, an alternate resuscitation technique for teens and adults

Every second counts when a person’s heart stops, but many bystanders are afraid of giving cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) to a victim, says Dr. Ruchika...
Scientists identify widely used assembling and stabilizing forces behind brain synapses

Scientists identify widely used assembling and stabilizing forces behind brain synapses

Within the brain and other parts of the nervous system, synapses are key junctional points in between neurons (the nerve cells) where critical signals...
Scientists use enzymes to change how brain cells communicate with each other

Scientists use enzymes to change how brain cells communicate with each other

As you’re reading this sentence, the cells in your brain, called neurons, are sending rapid-fire electrical signals between each other, transmitting information. They’re doing...

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