Thursday, April 18, 2024

Research: Researchers remove harmful hormones from Las Vegas wastewater using green algae —

A common species of freshwater green algae is capable of removing certain endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) from wastewater, according to new research from...

Research: New technique to test for viral infections —

A team of Colorado State University researchers has developed technology that can detect extremely small amounts of antibodies in a person's blood. Antibodies...

Research: Biological changes among invasive species —

A remote island in the Caribbean could offer clues as to how invasive species are able to colonise new territories and then thrive...

Research: Slowdown of Atlantic circulation sent planet into deep freeze —

A million years ago, a longtime pattern of alternating glaciations and warm periods dramatically changed, when ice ages suddenly became longer and more...

Research: New design method to create soft robots —

The world's elderly population is booming. The number of older people -- those age 60 years or older -- is expected to more...

Research: New pathways for sustainable agriculture —

Hedges, flowering strips and other seminatural habitats provide food and nesting places for insects and birds in agricultural landscapes. This also has advantages...

Research: Melting glaciers causing sea levels to rise at ever greater rates —

Melting ice sheets in Greenland and the Antarctic as well as ice melt from glaciers all over the world are causing sea levels...

Research: Cats recognize their own names, according to new Japanese research —

Pet cats can recognize their own names if their names are used regularly by their owners, according to new results by a team...

Research: Official stats mask shark and ray species caught in the Mediterranean and Black...

Shark and ray species commonly caught in the Mediterranean and Black seas are not being reported in official statistics, new research from the...

Research: Air temperatures in the Arctic are driving system change —

A new paper shows that air temperature is the "smoking gun" behind climate change in the Arctic, according to John Walsh, chief scientist...

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