Research: Mystery shrouding oldest animal fossils solved —

Scientists from The Australian National University (ANU) have discovered that 558 million-year-old Dickinsonia fossils do not reveal all of the features of the...

Research: Highly active organic photocatalyst discovered —

Scientists from the University of Liverpool, University College London and East China University of Science and Technology have synthesized a new organic material...
Hydrated eutectic electrolytes help improve performance of aqueous zn batteries

Hydrated eutectic electrolytes help improve performance of aqueous zn batteries (Study)

IMAGE: Schematic diagrams of Zn2+ solvation structure and interfacial reactions in (a) traditional...

Research: Appetite for shark fin soup serious risk to threatened sharks —

Fishing pressure on threatened shark populations has increased dramatically in recent years and it is urgent that consumers reject shark fin products altogether...

Research: Protecting oceans in Patagonia for a more sustainable future —

Preserving a 300,000 square km area in Patagonian waters could improve the conservation of 20 % of the population of sea birds in...
New DOE grant will be used to improve wind energy forecasting

New DOE grant will be used to improve wind energy forecasting

A $2.5 million grant from the U.S. Department of Energy to a coalition of organizations including the University of Colorado Boulder will be used...

Research: Southeast Asian forest loss greater than expected, with negative climate implications —

Researchers using satellite imaging have found much greater than expected deforestation since 2000 in the highlands of Southeast Asia, a critically important world...

Space: Voyager spacecraft detect new type of solar electron burst

Photo: The Voyager spacecraft continue to make discoveries even as they travel through...
Why are memories attached to emotions so strong?

Atmospheric: Extinction Rebellion’s activists more likely to be new to protesting, study shows

Extinction Rebellion supporters are more likely to be new to protesting than other environmental activists, a new study shows. Ten per cent of those who...

Study: First Australian night bees recorded foraging in darkness (TDnews)

Photo: (Reepenia bituberculatav) Nomiine bee with night foraging activity ...

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