New research proves tanning to be as addictive as opiates

New research proves tanning to be as addictive as opiates

The regular use of indoor tanning facilities, frequenting the beach, or just sunning by the backyard pool has been shown to have the chemistry...

Climate Change: Fuels, not fire weather, control carbon emissions in boreal forest

Photo: Rockets represent carbon stored in wood, trees, and soil in four main...

Climate Change: Research proves bits of DNA in seawater correlate to the weight of...

Photo: Monmouth University student Skyler Post stores water and eDNA samples ...
Researchers offer solutions to global phosphorus crisis that threatens food and water security

Researchers offer solutions to global phosphorus crisis that threatens food and water security

Phosphorus is an essential but often overlooked resource, which is vital for life on Earth and is extracted from phosphate rock for use in...

Dog and human brains process faces differently (TDnews)

Photo: Researchers at the department of Ethology at Eötvös Loránd University trained the...

There’s a reason bacteria stay in shape (TDnews)

Photo: A simple theoretical model by Rice University scientists seeks to explain why...

Archaeology: Past tropical forest changes drove megafauna and hominin extinctions

Photo: Artist's reconstruction of a savannah in Middle Pleistocene Southeast Asia. In the...

Space: Star clusters are only the tip of the iceberg

Photo: A panoramic view of the nearby Alpha Persei star cluster and its...

Climate Change: What caused the ice ages? Tiny ocean fossils offer key evidence

Photo: Since the discovery that atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations were lower during...

Biology: Research sheds new light on how the brain distinguishes speech from noise

Photo: This image shows histological confirmation of recording sites. Fluoro-Gold deposited at the end...

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