Research: How Candida albicans exploits lack of oxygen to cause disease —

Scientists from UmeƄ university have shown how the yeast Candida albicans can modulate and adapt to low oxygen levels in different body niches...

Research: More efficient solar cells imitate photosynthesis —

The smallest building blocks within the power stations of organisms which get their energy directly from the sun are basically miniature reactors surrounded...

Research: Extremophiles found in residential water heaters —

Microbes that thrive in some of the most extreme places on Earth have discovered another cozy place to live -- inside homes across...

Research: Land no longer suitable for agriculture could be reclaimed as habitat for dozens...

Most of the native habitat in California's San Joaquin Desert has been converted to row crops and orchards, leaving 35 threatened or endangered...

Research: Research team finds that mesenchymal progenitors can be grown without use of animal-derived...

A team of scientists from the New York Stem Cell Foundation (NYSCF) Research Institute reported Friday in Stem Cell Research and Therapy that...

Research: Poisons or medicines? Cyanobacteria toxins protect tiny lake dwellers from parasites —

The cyanobacteria blooms that plague western Lake Erie each summer are both an unsightly nuisance and a potential public health hazard, producing liver...

Research: Unraveling threads of bizarre hagfish’s explosive slime —

Hundreds of meters deep in the dark of the ocean, a shark glides toward what seems like a meal. It's kind of ugly,...

Research: Black mangroves’ impact on the salt marsh food web —

Warmer temperatures are causing more tropical species to move northward. Among these are black mangroves, whose abundance is steadily increasing in the northern...

Research: Research has implications for aircraft, power transmission lines and more —

Icy weather is blamed for multibillion dollar losses every year in the United States, including delays and damage related to air travel, infrastructure...

Research: Mojave rattlesnakes’ life-threatening venom is more widespread than expected —

The Mojave rattlesnake, living in the deserts of the southwestern United States and central Mexico, is characterized by its lethal venom that can...

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