Research: Ice Age climate caused sediment sourcing in Gulf of Mexico to switch dramatically...

The onset of the most recent ice age about 2.6 million years ago changed where the western Gulf of Mexico gets its supply...

Research: Vampire bat venom could hold key to new medical treatments —

Vampire bats could hold the key to new treatments for a range of serious medical problems, but researchers have hit a snag accessing...

Research: Findings set stage for first clinical trial of stem cell-based therapeutic approach for...

Using a novel patient-specific stem cell-based therapy, researchers at the National Eye Institute (NEI) prevented blindness in animal models of geographic atrophy, the...

Research: How could artificial photosynthesis contribute to limiting global warming? Scientists calculate areas needed...

After several years during which global emissions at least stagnated, they rose again somewhat in 2017 and 2018. Germany has also clearly missed...

Research: Anatomical adaptations in egg, larva and adult appear to enable ant nest exploitation...

Ozaena ground beetles likely have anatomical adaptations enabling them to parasitize ant nests throughout their life cycle, according to a study published January...

Research: Full carbonate chemistry at the site of calcification in a tropical coral —

Coral reefs are made up of massive calcium carbonate skeletons. The present study, published in Science Advances on January 16th 2019, reveals insights...

Research: Water, not temperature, limits global forest growth as climate warms —

The growth of forest trees all over the world is becoming more water-limited as the climate warms, according to new research from an...

Research: Jellyfish map could be the future to protecting UK waters and fish —

Scientists at the University of Southampton have developed maps of chemicals found in jellyfish which could offer a new tool for conservation in...

Research: Waiting for the complete rupture —

In April 2015, Nepal -- and especially the region around the capital city, Kathmandu -- was struck by a powerful tremor. An earthquake...

Research: High-speed supernova reveals earliest moments of a dying star —

An international team of scientists, including astronomers from the Universities of Leicester, Bath and Warwick, have found evidence for the existence of a...

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