Research: Crater counts on Pluto, Charon show small Kuiper Belt objects surprisingly rare —

Using New Horizons data from the Pluto-Charon flyby in 2015, a Southwest Research Institute-led team of scientists have indirectly discovered a distinct and...

Research: Gene editing quickly reveals gene’s necessary influence on nutrition’s effect —

The dramatic difference in gonad size between honey bee queens and their female workers in response to their distinct diets requires the switching...

Research: Evolutionary backing found in analysis of mammalian vertebrae —

Differences in numbers of vertebrae are most extreme in mammals which do not rely on running and leaping, such as those adapted to...

Research: One of only seven beetle genomes published —

Beekeepers and researchers will welcome the unveiling of the small hive beetle's genome by Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists and their colleagues. The...

Research: Female manakins use male mating call when implanted with male hormones —

Among the first things that stand out about golden-collared manakins, a bird found in Panama and western Colombia, are the acrobatics of male...

Research: How one gene in a tiny fish may alter an aquatic ecosystem —

In a remote area of British Columbia's Vancouver Island, Kennedy Lake's deep blue waters stretch over 25 square miles. The lake is home...

Research: System that generates coherent single particles of light could help pave the way...

In the global quest to develop practical computing and communications devices based on the principles of quantum physics, one potentially useful component has...

Research: The largest sacrifice of its kind known from the Americas was associated with...

A mass sacrifice at a 15th century archaeological site in Peru saw the ritual killing of over 140 children and over 200 llamas,...

Research: Jupiter’s unknown journey revealed —

It is known that gas giants around other stars are often located very near their sun. According to accepted theory, these gas planets...

Research: Neonics hinder bees’ ability to fend off deadly mites —

A University of Guelph study is the first to uncover the impact of neonicotinoid pesticides on honey bees' ability to groom and rid...

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