Saturday, April 27, 2024
Ancient myth study proves musical taste is cultural

Ancient myth study proves musical taste is cultural

Culture and belief form the basis of what is considered to be acoustically and musically pleasing. The variety of modern music and the appreciation...
Engineers make skim milk with ultrasound

Engineers make skim milk with ultrasound

Thomas Leong, an ultrasound engineer and a postdoctoral researcher from the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Technology at the Swinburne University of Technology in...
European innovation: Women’s shoes with perfect fit made while you wait

European innovation: Women’s shoes with perfect fit made while you wait

Women want to have a great look in footwear but they would also be very happy about a more comfortable shoe that fit their...
New study shows ozone layer stable due to Montreal Protocol

New study shows ozone layer stable due to Montreal Protocol

New research that is the result of 18 years of satellite examination of the ozone layer of Earth has found that the implementation of...
Gibbon language deciphered for the first time

Gibbon language deciphered for the first time

The lar gibbon (Hylobates lar) of Thailand is one of the most vocal non-human primates that exist. Esther Clarke and colleagues are the first...
Chinese researchers create artificial muscle tissue from onion

Chinese researchers create artificial muscle tissue from onion

Wen-Pin Shih, Chien-Chun Chen, and colleagues at the National Taiwan University have created the most flexible and lifelike artificial muscle tissue ever seen from...
Astronomers unveil the oldest and farthest galaxy in the universe

Astronomers unveil the oldest and farthest galaxy in the universe

The oldest and most distant galaxy ever seen by man has been unveiled by an international team of astronomers led by Yale University and...
Exo-asteroid study proves water on Earth came from asteroids

Exo-asteroid study proves water on Earth came from asteroids

Asteroids and comets are the most likely source of Earth’s water according to the discovery of an asteroid that was rich in water near...
New study shows Stegosaurus sexted with spine plates

New study shows Stegosaurus sexted with spine plates

Paleontologists had a problem determining what sex a Stegosaurus was until now. The Stegosaurus had no problem telling whether a potential mate was a...
New DOE grant will be used to improve wind energy forecasting

New DOE grant will be used to improve wind energy forecasting

A $2.5 million grant from the U.S. Department of Energy to a coalition of organizations including the University of Colorado Boulder will be used...

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