Study: Humans may have colonized Madagascar later than previously thought — (Details)

New archaeological evidence from southwest Madagascar reveals that modern humans colonized the island thousands of years later than previously thought, according to a...

Study: How the cholera bacterium survives water predators — (Details)

The cholera-causing bacterium, Vibrio cholerae, is commonly found in aquatic environments, such as oceans, ponds, and rivers. There, the bacterium has evolved formidable...

Study: Researchers have developed a unique approach using augmented reality tools to help less-experienced...

Purdue University researchers have developed a unique approach that allows experienced surgeons and physicians around the world to help less-experienced doctors in war...

Study: ‘Remarkable’ weather becomes normal within a few years — (Details)

What kinds of weather do people find remarkable, when does that change, and what does that say about the public's perception of climate...

Study: Novel 5-minute workout improves blood pressure, may boost brain function — (Details)

Could working out five minutes a day, without lifting a single weight or jogging a single step, reduce your heart attack risk, help...

Study: Brains of blind people adapt to sharpen sense of hearing, study shows —...

Research has shown that people who are born blind or become blind early in life often have a more nuanced sense of hearing,...
Protective antibodies identified for rare, polio-like disease in children

Report: Protective antibodies identified for rare, polio-like disease in children

IMAGE: Antibodies for respiratory virus that can cause a rare polio-like disease that...

Study: A novel synthetic antibody enables conditional ‘protein knockdown’ in vertebrates — (Details)

Research groups led by Dr. Jörg Mansfeld of the Biotechnology Center of the TU Dresden (BIOTEC) and Dr. Caren Norden of the Max...

Study: Ending a 40-year quest, scientists reveal the identity of ‘hearing’ protein — ...

Scientists at Harvard Medical School say they have ended a 40-year-quest for the elusive identity of the sensor protein responsible for hearing and...

Study: Artificial joint restores wrist-like movements to forearm amputees — (Details)

A new artificial joint restores important wrist-like movements to forearm amputees, something which could dramatically improve their quality of life. A group of...

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