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A good diet and healthy lifestyle can help win the war against breast cancer

A good diet and healthy lifestyle can help win the war against breast cancer

Breast cancer is a devastating condition which every woman lives in fear of. Doctors Health Press reported, that in the United States about one in eight women will develop breast cancer at some time in their lives. A firm commitment to a healthy lifestyle which includes good nutrition increases the odds of beating breast cancer.

It is anticipated that this year alone there will be about 231,840 cases of invasive breast cancer and over 60,000 cases of non-invasive breast cancer diagnosed. Clearly breast cancer is a tragic illness of enormous proportions. It has been argued by some people that chemotherapy and radiation treatments may not alone be the best treatment options. Chemo drugs are known to kill perfectly healthy cells as they kill the cancer cells. And there are many adverse side effects with radiation treatments.

Nutrition has proven to be an essential element in the fight against cancer. There is not any single food that can actually cure cancer. Therefore it’s a good idea to adhere to a balanced diet which is low in fat, but which is high in antioxidants to help fight free radicals circulating in the body. It is suggested to eat whole grains and leafy greens. Avoidance of eating a lot of meat and not drinking too much alcohol is also advisable.

Exercise in moderate amounts daily has also been found to help fight cancer. With exercise levels of estrogen are balanced which decreases the risk of recurring cancer. Physical activity also boosts your energy and mood while reducing stress. Keeping a positive attitude and never giving up hope also really appears to help.

Alive reports that a healthy diet is the foundation of a good breast cancer program. Eating a rainbow of at least seven to 10 half-cup servings of organically grown fruits and vegetables which are raw or steamed is suggested daily. These type of fruits and vegetables are generally delicious which helps.

Stress management and relaxation techniques have also proven to be helpful for women with breast cancer. Stress management lowers cortisol levels. Cortisol is a stress hormone. High levels of cortisol are associated with a decrease in activity of the immune cells which fight cancer.

Stress management also helps you experience a greater sense of purpose and meaning in life. Our immune system is greatly effected by our emotions. Laughing, purging yourself of negative emotions, and searching for spiritual awareness are all helpful. What we therefore see is that a healthy lifestyle which includes a good diet helps dramatically in the fight against cancer.



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