Tech: Tian to develop approaches to efficient distributed learning

Zhi Tian, Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, will receive funding from the National Science Foundation for a project in which she will develop communication-efficient...

Tech: Zhao and Cheng studying model-parallelism for large-scale deep learning

Liang Zhao, Assistant Professor, Information Sciences and Technology, and Yue Cheng, Associate Professor, Computer Science, Volgenau School of Engineering, are set to receive funding...

Tech: Day in, day out: Targeting the daily magnesium “rhythm” can optimize crop yield

IMAGE: The leaf blade of rice seedlings was sampled every 2 hours for...

Tech: T-ray camera speed boosted a hundred times over

IMAGE: Optical set up for single pixel transmission imaging of object R. ...

Tech: Construction: How to turn 36 seconds into USD 5.4 billion

A team of researchers from Aarhus University have, for the first time ever, linked 40 years of productivity data from the construction industry with...

Tech: Collective behavior research reveals secrets of successful football teams

The scientists analysed five full matches played by nine teams from a German Bundesliga season. They employed a tool borrowed from statistical physics, the...

Tech: Robust high-performance data storage through magnetic anisotropy

IMAGE: This is how the experiment went: Two laser pulses hit the thin...

Tech: Oil spill clean- up gets doggone hairy

Oil spill disasters on land cause long-term damage for communities and the natural environment, polluting soils and sediments and contaminating groundwater. Current methods using...

Tech: Polarization of Br2 molecule in vanadium oxide cluster cavity and new alkane bromination

IMAGE: Peak of the spectrum due to polarized bromine molecule ...

Tech: Liquid metal synthesis for better piezoelectrics: Atomically-thin tin-monosulfide

IMAGE: Transmission electron microscope (TEM) image: atomically thin (monolayer) tin-sulfide nanosheet (scale bar...

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