Research lets teens voice their opinion about genetic test results

Research lets teens voice their opinion about genetic test results

An argument about the right to know between physicians and politicians has been raging ever since the capacity of genetic testing has evolved to...
Scientists show fruit flies make beer smell good

Scientists show fruit flies make beer smell good

Fruit flies carry the yeast that makes beer from a certain region of a country taste and smell distinctive. The connection between the tastes...
Researchers chosen to work with Arctic communities on new climate change technology

Researchers chosen to work with Arctic communities on new climate change technology

Northumbria University researchers are part of a unique team working on a new £1m project to better equip Indigenous communities in the Arctic against...
Recyclable medium-density fiberboard developed

Recyclable medium-density fiberboard developed

Professor Andrew Abbott and colleagues at the Department of Chemistry at the University of Leicester in Britain announced the development of the first practical...
Reevaluating the Accuracy of Genetic Association Studies in Individuals of European Ancestry

Reevaluating the Accuracy of Genetic Association Studies in Individuals of European Ancestry

A recent study conducted by researchers at the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) has raised concerns about the accuracy of previous genetic association...
Australians show jellyfish can detect ocean currents

Australians show jellyfish can detect ocean currents

Barrel jellyfish are capable of detecting the direction of ocean currents and swimming against the current. The first proof that any jellyfish could readily...
Simple method developed to produce pure carbon nanotubes

Simple method developed to produce pure carbon nanotubes

The major stumbling block to the use of carbon nanotubes in electronics has been the inability to produce carbon nanotubes that are chemically pure...
Research reveals the truth about lying

Research reveals the truth about lying

The common beliefs about lying and the supposition that everyone lies or at least tells a few white lies every day has been brought...
Bee tongues get shorter due to climate change

Bee tongues get shorter due to climate change

Changing climate has produced an evolutionary change in flower types and distribution and bees have responded to the change by developing shorter tongues. Nicole...
Scientists find huge black hole that challenges cosmological theories

Scientists find huge black hole that challenges cosmological theories

A team of astronomers announced that they have found a supermassive black hole that is about 12 billion times more massive than the Sun...

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