Research: Eyes of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease patients show evidence of prions —

By the time symptoms of sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (sCJD) are typically discovered, death is looming and inevitable. But, in a new study, researchers...

Research: Peeling off slimy biofilms like old stickers —

Slimy, hard-to-clean bacterial mats called biofilms cause problems ranging from medical infections to clogged drains and fouled industrial equipment. Now, researchers at Princeton...

Research: Ancient, four-legged whale with otter-like features found along the coast of Peru —

Cetaceans, the group including whales and dolphins, originated in south Asia more than 50 million years ago from a small, four-legged, hoofed ancestor....
Report: Exceptional meteor shower November 21-22

Report: Exceptional meteor shower November 21-22

Peter Jenniskens, SETI Institute and NASA Ames Research Center, and Esko Lyytinen, Helsinki, Finland, report that there will be a significant return of the...
Study: How embryo develops at molecular level decoded

Study: How embryo develops at molecular level decoded

Scientists in the US have created the first detailed map of the changes at the molecular level in cells that lead to embryonic development. The...

Research: Research links warming temperatures and localized cooling to increased maize production —

The past 70 years have been good for corn production in the midwestern United States, with yields increasing fivefold since the 1940s. Much...

Biology: Waste fishing gear threatens Ganges wildlife

Photo: Fishing on the Ganges view more  ...
Dark matter mystery solved: a particle they recently discovered

Dark matter mystery solved: a particle they recently discovered

Scientists have identified a sub-atomic particle that could have formed the "dark matter" in the Universe during the Big Bang. Up to 80% of the...
Scientists document the first use of maize in Mesoamerica

Scientists document the first use of maize in Mesoamerica

An international team of researchers investigated the earliest humans in Central America and how they adapted over time to new and changing environments, and...
Report: Benoit Mandelbrot Explains Why Volatility is Not Your Friend

VIDEO: Benoit Mandelbrot Explains Why Volatility is Not Your Friend

Many investors think big up and down moves in the market are good for profits. Actually, crazy days are indicators of corrections and bear...

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