Researcher proves high heels make men more helpful

Researcher proves high heels make men more helpful

High heels may be uncomfortable but wearing high heels makes men more helpful to women asking for help or in obvious need of help...
Biologists discover what ‘eyespots’ do for butterflies

Biologists discover what ‘eyespots’ do for butterflies

The spots on some butterfly's wings that look like an eye are targets for predators so the butterfly’s bodies are not injured by an...
Genes reveal how cats became domesticated

Genes reveal how cats became domesticated

Cats have been human companions for at least 9,000 years. Wesley C. Warren with The Genome Institute at Washington University School of Medicine in...
Dutch researcher shows why people pick bad leaders

Dutch researcher shows why people pick bad leaders

Very few people in the world would consider the present crop of leaders and politicians as being the brightest or the best. Brian Spisak,...
The need for humans to coexist with wildfires is supported by new study

The need for humans to coexist with wildfires is supported by new study

A new study led by the University of California, Berkeley, involving the University of Colorado Boulder, shows that the way wildfires around the world...
Swiss researchers develop first thought-controlled gene regulation system

Swiss researchers develop first thought-controlled gene regulation system

Thought-controlled gene expression has stepped out of science fiction and into reality. After ten years of development, Martin Fussenegger, Professor of Biotechnology and Bioengineering...
The Biochemistry of Hydrangea Color Change

The Biochemistry of Hydrangea Color Change

The hydrangea has long ranked as a popular garden staple for its range of color, its sizable "snowball" shape, and abundance of blossoms that...
Forty percent of Deepwater Horizon oil found on ocean floor

Forty percent of Deepwater Horizon oil found on ocean floor

Forty percent of the oil spilled from the Deepwater Horizon catastrophe was not consumed by bacteria and did not stay on the ocean’s surface...
Prehistoric art and early religions were inspired by sound

Prehistoric art and early religions were inspired by sound

The misinterpretation of natural events like thunder may have been the inspiration for the earliest art created by ancient men and the design of...
New census indicates a Galapagos giant tortoise population explosion

New census indicates a Galapagos giant tortoise population explosion

The number of Galapagos giant tortoise living on the island of Española has reached at least 1,000. The latest census was conducted by James...

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